Practical CPD Courses
Practical, face-to-face events, demonstrations, workshops or training that are allocated CPD points for Accredited Professionals
East Midlands
Course Design for Coaches - 27th February 2025
Bookings & information
6 CPD Points
BS National Training CentreHothorpe
Market Harborough
LE17 6QX
Pole work Patterns - 7th April 2025
Bookings & information
This training day is a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking to improve their depth of horse knowledge, it is also beneficial for anyone considering, studying or training people towards BHS Stage 4, Performance Stage 5 (BHSI) or Pony Club A/AH exams..
Whilst a fantastic training day for coaches, this training day is also a brilliant opportunity for riders and owners looking to further their own training knowledge. The day will be informative and interactive, with plenty of opportunity for questions and to discuss what we observe.
The focus of the day is on pole work for education, training and competing. Using the Scales of Training to educate the rider to develop the horse’s way of going towards the next level.
9.30am Register & Tea/Coffee
10am Introduction to the day
10.15am POLEWORK FOR GROUNDWORK - Looking at how to effectively use poles to improve groundwork techniques
11am POLEWORK AVOIDING POLES - The focus will be on using poles to improve the rider’s accuracy whilst riding lines, shapes and turns by actively avoiding the poles.
11.45am POLEWORK TO IMPROVE STRIDELENGTH - Looking at how appropriate polework exercises can be used to help improve the rhythm, balance and suppleness needed to develop a bigger stride.
12.30pm LUNCH Café on site will be open to purchase hot/cold food, or please bring your own
1.30pm INNOVATIVE POLEWORK PATTERNS - Focusing on using a more imaginative polework pattern with a group of combinations of different sizes, looking at how the exercise can be adapted depending on the combinations ability by approaching at different angles.
2.30pm POLEWORK FOR GRIDWORK - Looking at improving rhythm, balance and suppleness whilst developing the horse’s proprioception for jumping by using polework in preparation for and whilst training with a grid of fences.
3.30pm Q&A Session
6 CPD Points
Witham Villa Riding Centre,Broughton Astley,Leicestershire,LE9 6PAEast of England
Bits, Bitting & Behaviour - Educational Training Day - 21st February 2025
Bookings & information
With Presenter: Olivia Turner - British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA) recommended bitting expert and qualified animal behaviourist. An informative training day for anyone with an interest in bits, bitting and recognising specific horse behaviours in relation to bit and bridle use. This training day is open to anyone interested but may prove particularly useful to coaches who see a variety of clients and may need to assist with bitting problems. The training will also prove beneficial to anyone training towards their BHS Stages or Pony Club Assessments.
Price: £45pp general admission
£50 programme for the day
Time: 9:15 registration 4pm finish
6 CPD Points
Suffolk Rural,
Old Fools With Horses - 22nd February 2025
Bookings & information
I can’t see above question fully on the drop down so guessed. Sorry. But three
presenter with audience in the grandstand seats. The three riders and trainers
will be discussing their training of the 3 disciplines based on classical
training methods. There will be a variety of horses dressage, show jumping and
Price: £25
Time: 6:30pm - 10pm
4 CPD Points
Mill Rd,
Equine Kinesiology Taping - 18th May 2025
Bookings & information
A great opportunity to learn about Equine Kinesiology taping, and the amazing benefits for horses! From understanding the science to the mechanics of the various applications this is a comprehensive day
with lots of opportunity for hands on guided practice. You will learn theory, demonstration and practice for the following:
🐎Muscle fatigue and recovery
🐎Relieving pain and soreness
🐎Inflammation and swelling reduction
🐎Fascia restrictions
🐎Joint support and stabilisation
🐎Relaxation and activation of muscles A full workbook with photos and diagrams is included with everything learnt on the day including further taping suggestions.
Price: £135
Time: 9am - 3:30pm
4 CPD Points
Performing Under Pressure by controlling the controllables and visualisation - 3rd February 2025
Bookings & information
Learn to be able to understand the mind of the rider and be
able to use tools and techniques to help.
Time: 6:30pm - 9pm
2 CPD points
Cost - £25
Danescroft Equestrian Centre
21 Waterloo Road
BT27 5NW
Northern Ireland
Check back for updates
England - North
Keeping training simple yet effective - 3rd February 2025
Booking Information
Now the evenings are starting to get lighter, are you looking to kick start your schooling sessions ready for the 2025 season, or are you just looking for some new exercises to keep your horse and yourself motivated. If you feel like your schooling is stuck in a rut and you are running out of ideas, help is at hand, Rob Lovatt FBHS will share some of his go to quick and simple exercises that don't require a lot of equipment to help improve your riding and your horse's way of going, keeping you both happy, focused and in tip top condition whatever your riding goals. Rob will look at a mixture of exercises on the flat, as well as using poles and jumps to improve balance, rhythm and suppleness. Why not challenge yourself this Spring, teach yourself and your horse something new to help improve his way of going. Whether you ride, coach, or a parent just trying to motivate your children this day is for you!
Time: 5:45pm-8pm
COST - £17.50
£15.00 APC
4 CPD Points
Holmside Hall Equestrian Centre,
Horse Leg Dissection - What's under the skin - 18th February 2025
Booking Information
When it comes to the the horse's leg, there is a lot going on 'Under the Skin'. The horse's leg is a complex structure of bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, understanding this anatomy is crucial not only from a training and riding perspective but also as part of your daily care routine to gain an understanding into what is normal for your horse and recognising changes such as heat, swelling or tenderness and what action
should be taken. Alistair Love, Equine Clinical Director at Clevedale Vets and
Recognised Advanced Practitioner in Equine Practice, will be presenting a
dissection of a horse's lower leg, looking at the anatomy as well as discussing
common injuries, which can occur. Alistair holds the RCVS Certificate in
Advanced Veterinary Practice in Equine Practice and is an RCVS Recognised
Advanced Practitioner in Equine Practice. He is the Equine Clinical Director and
holds the Post Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Business Management.
Time: 7pm-9:15pm
COST - £10
2 CPD Points
Great Ayton Village Hall
Pony Club Rider Development Day camp - 9th March 2025
Booking Information
At Yorkshire Riding Centre, Markington, Harrogate HG3 3PE
In conjunction with the Zetland Pony Club Conducted by Christopher Bartle Team GB Eventing High Performance Coach, FBHS The Yorkshire Riding Centre is welcoming members of the Pony Club to attend this training day giving an insight in to Christopher’s training systems and philosophy. Including a presentation, simulated ridden session using “Rock On Ruby” plus ridden show jumping sessions.
The following places are available: Rider Day Camp - Presentation, Rock On Ruby, Show Jumping Lesson and Day Stable. Plus 1 additional observational place for parent/guardian/responsible adult Refreshments, snacks and lunch will be provided for rider and adult. £125 Maximum of 12 riders, 3 per group. Rider Observation - Presentation, Observing Rock On Ruby and Show Jumping Lessons.
Plus refreshments, snacks and lunch £60 Maximum 30 places These places are also available for Pony Club Coaches. Rider Day camp participants MUST be current Pony Club members who are competing at PC 80cm or above, comfortably training at 90cm or above, ideally hold their C+ test and age over 14 years. Along with those competitions at Pony Open Eventing/Chairman’s Cup level and beyond.
Observational places are open to riders 14 year and over who are keen to develop their education, knowledge and horsemanship amongst fellow Pony Club members.
Ideal for those aiming for PC eventing in 2025 plus Show Jumping. Along with enhancing riding theory training for members training for their PC B, B+ or A test as well as those looking for tips and skills to try at home to improve their own riding /performance. They MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian/responsible adult who should purchase a Rider Observational ticket. This can be a ratio of 4 children to 1 adult and the adults name should be clearly stated on the entry. Observational places are open to current Pony Club Riders (14 years and over) Coaches from all Areas.
Time: 9pm-4pm
COST - £125 for coaches wanting to practice aspects of the assessment
6 CPD Points
Yorkshire Riding Centre
BHS Stage 4 & 5 Coaching Development Day - 31st March 2025
Booking Information
BHS Stage 4 & 5 Coach Development Day at the Yorkshire RC, Markington, Harrogate HG3 3PE With Sarah Simpson BHS Performance and British Eventing Accredited Coach 8:30am
- 4pm Open to coaches who are aiming for their stage 4 or 5 along with those who are wanting to gain an understanding of what is required at the assessments and those wanting to enhance their skills as a coach across a variety of disciplines. The day will comprise of demonstrations and coaching practice
* An overview of the assessments at each level
* Verbal evaluations of riders for dressage, show jumping and simulated XC
* Walking Show Jumping and XC technical fences with riders
* The lunge lesson (Stage 4)
* The pole work session (Stage 4/5)
* The show jumping session (Stage 5)
* The simulated XC session (Stage 4/5)
* The dressage session (Stage 4/5) This will be an interactive day to learn from
your fellow coaches and gain confidence in your delivery of sessions.
Time: 8:45pm-4pm
COST - £120 for coaches wanting to practice aspects of the assessment
£60 for those wanting to observe for the day Both including lunch and refreshments Spaces are limited to 6 practical and 10 observational.
6 CPD Points
Yorkshire RC,
Coaching Development Day - 5th May 2025
Booking Information
Coaches Development Day at the Yorkshire Riding Centre,
Markington, Harrogate. A day dedicated to those wanting to develop their coaching skills. It will give an insight in to the Philosophy of training, observe a variety of evaluations and coaching. Delivered by Christopher Bartle FBHS, British Eventing High Performance Coach, Jane Bartle - Wilson Performance Coach BHSI and Sarah Simpson Performance Coach BHSI and BE Accredited Coach.
Sessions will include a talk on Cross Country, The Riders Influence on Rock On Ruby and a XC technical training session with Christopher Bartle. Understanding the Scales of Training at Medium and Advanced Medium plus preparing the canter for flying changes with Jane Bartle - Wilson. Assessment of the Show Jumping combination to gain information to set goals with Sarah Simpson. This will be an
interactive day enabling participants to immerse themselves in to coaching styles, techniques and tactics.
£75 per person which includes refreshments and
Time: 9am-4pm
COST - £75 per person which includes refreshments and
6 CPD Points
Yorkshire RC,
BHS Stage 4 & 5 Coaching Development Day - 2nd June 2025
Booking Information
BHS Stage 4 & 5 Coach Development Day at the Yorkshire RC, Markington, Harrogate HG3 3PE With Sarah Simpson BHS Performance and British Eventing Accredited Coach 8:30am
- 4pm Open to coaches who are aiming for their stage 4 or 5 along with those who are wanting to gain an understanding of what is required at the assessments and those wanting to enhance their skills as a coach across a variety of disciplines. The day will comprise of demonstrations and coaching practice
* An overview of the assessments at each level
* Verbal evaluations of riders for dressage, show jumping and simulated XC
* Walking Show Jumping and XC technical fences with riders
* The lunge lesson (Stage 4)
* The pole work session (Stage 4/5)
* The show jumping session (Stage 5)
* The simulated XC session (Stage 4/5)
* The dressage session (Stage 4/5) This will be an interactive day to learn from
your fellow coaches and gain confidence in your delivery of sessions.
Time: 8:45pm-4pm
COST - £120 for coaches wanting to practice aspects of the assessment
£60 for those wanting to observe for the day Both including lunch and refreshments Spaces are limited to 6 practical and 10 observational.
6 CPD Points
Yorkshire RC,
North West of England
Check Back for Updates
RoR Wales & Shropshire Insight Day- Dave Loughnane Racing - 25th February 2025
Booking Information
RoR Wales brings you another 'Insight Day' A chance for a behind the scenes look into the life of a racehorse, it's routine, training, feeding and much more at Dave Loughnane Racing, Market Drayton, Shropshire. Dave and his wife Sarah started training in early 2016. They moved to Helshaw Grange later that year with 7 horses and having trained nearly 300 winners, multiple Group and Listed winners both in the UK and internationally as well as having the first two home in the 2021 Kensington Palace Stakes at Royal Ascot, the yard is going from strength to strength. It’s always been about quality over quantity and being able to focus on each horse as an individual. 10am start – finish 3pm Cost £22.50 for ROR members £25 for Non members AM- Yard Tour PM -talk on the retraining process from Amy Bannister-Bell BHSI and RoR Wales Regional Development Officer. We will discuss what the retraining process involves, advice on how to maintain good practices for a successful retraining journey and what support is out there to assist you if you choose to take on an ex racehorse or if you already own a retrained racehorse. This will take place at a local function room.
Time: 10am-3pm
COST - £25
4 CPD Points
Dave Loughnane Racing
Helshaw Grange,
Tern Hill,
Market Drayton
Equine Behaviour - 3rd May 2025
Booking Information
This training course aims to give trainees knowledge, understanding and basic skills in the behaviour of equines. It covers the skills necessary to assess an equine's behaviour in a safe and effective manner to ascertain whether it is safe to perform the required task. It also covers the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure that interactions with equines reinforce desired behaviour and do not result in setting up undesirable behaviour patterns. A good understanding of the processes of routine training will help to ensure that routine interactions with the equine complement the pre- existing training.
training to be carried out safely Maintain the health and safety of the equine, yourself and others throughout the process Identify equine behaviour patterns that are desirable and undesirable Identify the training that is required for the equine to achieve appropriate behaviour for the task that needs to be completed Recognise when the degree of training required means that it is not practical or safe to complete the task at hand at this visit Recognise whether the training required is within your level of ability or the owner's level of ability and understand when to request that the Owner carries out further training and when to refer to a professional trainer Set appropriate training
goals Create a shaping plan for a desired behaviour Implement the shaping plan using appropriate scientific principles of behaviour modification Modify the shaping plan as needed to take into account the response of the equine to the training so far Approach everyday tasks in a manner that reinforces desirable behaviour patterns and avoids creating undesirable behaviour patterns Recognise that the owner or other responsible person may have valid views on the approach taken to training that need to be taken account of.
Time: 9am-5pm
COST - £150
6 CPD Points
Green Haworth,
BB5 3,
United Kingdom
Richard Waygood Masterclass - 21st February 2025
Bookings & information
An educational fun and informative evening with World Class Technical Director and
Eventing Performance Manager Dickie WAYGOOD MBE Who will be joined by…………… to
share his philosophy on training and a winning formula. Some of my biog can be
added to this.
Program of events: Working with two riders at a time.
Theme of the evening Flat work through the three phases of eventing.
1. Flat to include polls
2. SJ session Break
3. XC basics
4. XC technical
5. Games over view with Q&A (15mins) 45 minutes a session with Q&A.
Time: 6pm to 9:30pm
4 CPD Points
COST - £48
Bogenraith Equestrian Ltd
01330 494982
Coaching beyond the B Test - 22 February 2025
Coaching the Everyday Rider - 3rd March 2025
Bookings & information
6 CPD Points
COST - £35
Introduction to Equine Kinesiology Taping - 11th May 2025
Bookings & information
A great opportunity to learn about Equine Kinesiology taping, and the amazing benefits for horses! From understanding the science to the mechanics of the various applications this is a comprehensive day with lots of opportunity for hands on guided practice. You will learn theory, demonstration and practice for the following:
🐎Muscle fatigue and recovery
🐎Relieving pain and soreness
🐎Inflammation and swelling reduction
🐎Fascia restrictions
🐎Joint support and stabilisation
🐎Relaxation and activation of muscles A full workbook with photos
and diagrams is included with everything learnt on the day including further taping suggestions.
Time: 9pm to 3.30pm
4 CPD Points
COST - £135
South of England
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South East
Robert Pickles BHS Stage 3-5 Training Day - 10th February 2025
6 CPD Points
Introduction to Equine Kinesiology Taping - 16th February 2025
amazing benefits for horses! From understanding the science to the mechanics of the various applications this is a comprehensive day with lots of opportunity for hands on guided practice. You will learn theory, demonstration and practice for the following:
🐎Inflammation and swelling reduction
and diagrams is included with everything learnt on the day including further taping suggestions.
4 CPD Points
Robert Pickles BHS Stage 3-5 Training Day - 10th March 2025
6 CPD Points
Crouch Lane,
Equine Massage Therapy Workshop - 16th March 2025
tension and help them relax. This is a fun and informative day, lovely horses are provided to practice on to help you gain lots of confidence and enthusiasm to help your own horse. This is so much more than just a massage course! Full book of learning including a massage map to help you remember where and how to help your horse.
Pilates exercises for your horse Learn some basic anatomy and how it relates to how your horse is feeling UK Rural Skills Accredited Course
4 CPD Points
Equine Massage Therapy Workshop - 23rd March 2025
tension and help them relax. This is a fun and informative day, lovely horses are provided to practice on to help you gain lots of confidence and enthusiasm to help your own horse. This is so much more than just a massage course! Full book of learning including a massage map to help you remember where and how to help your horse.
Pilates exercises for your horse Learn some basic anatomy and how it relates to how your horse is feeling UK Rural Skills Accredited Course
4 CPD Points
Course Walking for Coaches - 8th April 2025
Introduction to Equine Kinesiology Taping - 27th April 2025
amazing benefits for horses! From understanding the science to the mechanics of the various applications this is a comprehensive day with lots of opportunity for hands on guided practice. You will learn theory, demonstration and practice for the following:
🐎Inflammation and swelling reduction
and diagrams is included with everything learnt on the day including further taping suggestions.
4 CPD Points
Developing an understanding of training horse and rider - 19th May 2025
6 CPD Points
South West
Jump Coaching Skills Development - 3 Part Course - 12th, 19th & 26th January 2025
This is a 3 Part Course consisting of the following dates 12th, 19th & 26th January 2025
Need to refresh your jump coaching skills? or improve your
knowledge and confidence with your jump coaching? We are holding a three-part course to help you develop your eye and skills in January with Senior Eventing Coach Johanna McDonald.
Session 1: 12th January - 10am to 1pm A safer approach
to jumping (theory session classroom based). We will move on to look at how
rider needs to use their body effectively, and the outcomes for horse and rider
if they fail to - with our Racewood Eventing Simulator. The session will end
with an interactive jumping clinic session.
Session 2: 19th January - 10am to 1pm Types of fences and the jumping trajectory horses will produce, how that will ride for the person in the saddle. Spacing for trot and canter work, adjusting fences for different stride lengths (classroom based). We will move on exercises in the arena to encourage horses, grow horse and rider confidence, and to help horses who rush to slow down, or horses need to jump a little more cleanly.
Session 3: 26th January - 10am to 1pm Teaching a rider who is jumping for the first time (classroom based), we will move on to teach a rider who is jumping for the first time in the arena. The session will end with a clinic style session with a focus to develop established riders further.
Price- £225
Time- 10am- 1pm per session
6 CPD points
Buryhill Farm
North Wiltshire
Maintaining a sound and functional horse - 16th January 2025
To enjoy our horses the most, they need to be sound and physically able to do the job we ask of them. To understand your horse's physiology better, join BHS Somerset to learn from a highly qualified
and experienced physiotherapist with a wealth of experience. Whether you have a young horse that is just building muscle, an older horse that needs to maintain flexibility and movement or a horse that has been off work due to illness or injury and is entering a rehabilitation phase, this interactive presentation is sure to be a wonderfully informative evening.
Price- £10
Time- 7pm- 9pm
1 CPD point
Ruishton Village Hall,
Cheats Road,
Training and Career of the Young Event Horse - 25th January 2025
This talk will discuss all aspects of selecting and training the young event horse. It will include the consideration of breeds, ability and temperament, what age to start training including excluding
appropriate exercises and experiences. We will then move on to discussing competitions, affiliations and target eventing levels..
Price- £10
Time- 7pm- 9pm
2 CPD point
Cornwall Eventing Academy
Coaching clinic for BHS Stage 4 & BHS Performance Coach (BHSI) - 7th April 2025
9.30am meet and greet 10am elementary dressage 11am adv med dressage 12-1.30 set up jumps and lunch 1.30-2.30 Sim XC up to 1.10m 2.30-3.30 private SJ up to 1.20m 3.30-4 clear arena and questions.
Price- £100
Time- 9:30pm- 4pm
6 CPD point
Avon Riding Centre,
Kings Weston Road,
BS10 7QT
Coaching preparation for stage 2/3 - 6th April 2025
9.30am meet and greet 10am private dressage - novice 11am flat/sj group 4 riders up to 70cm 12-1.30 lunch, theory Qs. Set up courses 1.30 sj group up to 90xm 2.30 sim xc semi private Up to 90cm 3.30-4pm arena clear Q&A
Price- £100
Time- 9.30pm - 4PM
6 CPD point
Avon Riding Centre,
Kings Weston Road,
BS10 7QT
Coaching clinic for BHS Stage 4 & BHS Performance Coach (BHSI) with Jo Winfield FBHS - 30th June 2025
9.30am meet and greet 10am elementary dressage 11am adv med dressage 12-1.30 set up jumps and lunch 1.30-2.30 Sim XC up to 1.10m 2.30-3.30 private SJ up to 1.20m 3.30-4 clear arena and questions
Price- £100
Time- 9:30am- 4pm
6 CPD point
Avon Riding Centre,
Kings Weston Road,
BS10 7QT
Coaching clinic for BHS Stage 4 & BHS Performance Coach BHSI - 29th September 2025
9.30am meet and greet
10am elementary dressage 11am adv med dressage
12-1.30 set up jumps and lunch
1.30-2.30 Sim XC up to 1.10m 2.30-3.30 private SJ up to 1.20m 3.30-4 clear arena and questions.
Price- £100
Time- 9.30pm - 4PM
6 CPD point
Avon Riding Centre,
Kings Weston Road,
BS10 7QT
Coaching training course stage 2/3 - 28th September 2025
9.30am meet and greet 10am private dressage - novice 11am flat/sj group 4 riders up to 70cm 12-1.30 lunch, theory Qs. Set up courses 1.30 sj group up to 90xm 2.30 sim xc semi private Up to 90cm 3.30-4pm arena clear Q&A.
Price- £100
Time- 9.30pm - 4PM
6 CPD point
Avon Riding Centre,
Kings Weston Road,
BS10 7QT
Check back for updates
West Midlands
Ride Out Pathway Stage 2 Rider Leader and Stage 3 Trail Leader - 14th February 2025
Bookings & information
Responsibilities, Understanding Map Reading and Route planning e.g. timmings, terrain, obsticles, weather etc. Lunch and overnight breaks. Ride Management, Dealing with incidents/clients, Risk Assessment, Record Keeping. Practical with horses/ volunteer clients -RL and TL will Assess Rider Competence, Ride and Lead, Ride Out and Group Management, Assess a horse for purchase. Demonstrate riding and coaching skills.
Price: £80 For APC
£85 For others
Time: 9am - 4pm
6 CPD Points
The Stables
16 Fernhill
CH45 5AW
Introduction to Equine Kinesiology Taping - 3rd March 2025
Bookings & information
🐎Inflammation and swelling reduction
and diagrams is included with everything learnt on the day including further taping suggestions.
Price: £135
Time: 9am - 3.30pm
4 CPD Points
Polework Patterns - 10th March 2025
We are extremely lucky to welcome Jo Winfield FBHS to deliver this informative training day which will focus on how to improve the basic way of going using innovative polework exercises.
This training day is a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking to improve their depth of horse knowledge, it is also beneficial for anyone considering, studying or training people towards BHS Stage 4, Performance Stage 5 (BHSI) or Pony Club A/AH exams. The day is accredited as 6 CPD points for all BHS accredited coaches.
This training day is also a brilliant opportunity for riders and owners looking to further their own training knowledge.
The day will be informative and interactive, with plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion.
The focus of the day is on polework for education, training and competing.
£45* for BHS Accredited Professional Coaches (*APC number required on booking) / £55 others (All payment transactions will be subject to a small booking fee to cover the booking and payment processing charges.)
General Face to Face - 28th January 2025
Bookings & information
A power point presentation in Lameness.
Phil (coaching), Brian and Angie will also have some input in this session.
Angie will then present a feed talk/discussion. After lunch during which Angie will also be available for Questions at her feed stand Phil will coach one possibly two groups of riders (depending on numbers forward and mixed ability).
The day will end with a session for questions.
Price: £30 Accredited Pony Club coaches, BHS APC's, Pony club/ BHS members or Officials.
£40 Others.
Time: 10am - 4pm
6 CPD Points
Bishop Burton College,
York Road,
Bishop Burton
HU17 8QG
Channel Islands
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