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Scheduled Online CPD Courses

  • Last reviewed: 22nd July 2024
Calendar 1990453 640 Calendar 1990453 640

Live webinars and training to improve your knowledge and understanding.

Online scheduled CPD courses

Woodlands Training - Sarah Simpson - Various Courses

All courses start at 7pm count as 2 CPD points

For more information please visit Woodlands Training

28 May - Coaching XC

29 May - Foal to 4 Years Backing to Basics

4 June - Conformation 

11 June - Bones, Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments

4 July - Modern Diagnostic Techniques

9 July - Lungeing and Long Reining

16 July - Modern Saddlery Boots and Studs

23 July- Bits and Biting

24 July - Grassland Managemen

25 July - Getting Competition Horses Fit 

10 Sept - Coaching Dressage

24 Sept - Coaching Showjumping

25 Sept - Grassland Management

8 Oct - Coaching XC

29 Oct - Foal to 4 Years Backing Basics

5 Nov - Conformation 

12 Nov - Bones, Muscles, Tendons, Ligaments

13 Nov - Lungeing and Long Reining

26 Nov - Skin Diseases

27 Nov - Modern Diagnostic Techniques

3 Dec - Modern Saddlery Boots and Studs

10 Dec - Bits and Biting

12 Dec - Equine Nutrition Competition, Young, Veteran Horses

17 Dec - Getting Competition Horses Fit 

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Dressage Ringcraft Training for Trainers various dates

These interactive webinars will be particularly useful to Stage 3 and 4 candidates as we will look at the movements from Intro to elementary.

During the Zoom we will cover …

- exactly what the Dressage Judge needs to see in a variety of movements

- breaking down training, warm up and test riding for individual types

- how the Scales of training marry up and reflect scores

- clear definitions

- the new dressage tests and what this means for us as trainers

- an opportunity to ask well established List 3a and FEI judge (Alex Gingell) anything you like! 

25th Mar 1pm-5pm Book Now

8th Apr 1pm-5pm Book Now 


7pm - 8:30pm |  2 CPD points  | £15

Understand Horses presents a webinar with social scientist Tamzin Furtado on the
human challenges and coping strategies of keeping your horse on an imperfect
livery yard (boarding barn/stables). Life at livery – it’s not always perfect!
There are two things people mainly struggle with at livery; needing to
compromise on the choices you’d ideally make for your horse, and dealing with
the pressures of other people. Based on the results of several years of research
by human behaviour researcher Tamzin Furtado, this webinar will explore how we
can manage both situations. This webinar is suitable for people who keep their
horses at livery, as well as livery yard managers themselves. This webinar will
cover: What is it like being a livery yard owner, what is it like being a
client? Why does it sometimes seem like there are so many disagreements on
livery yards? What are your livery manager’s responsibilities, and what are
yours? How and when to compromise but still do the best for your horse How to
choose the best yard for you and minimise potential disagreements Peer pressure
– what is it and why does it happen? How to deal with everyone telling you what
to do Mainly – how to make your life and your horse’s life as easy as you
possible can!



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Violence Against Women and Girls 19 Aug

7:30pm - 8:30pm |  1 CPD points  | Free course

An informative session with Sgt Terri Green from West Yorkshire police who will be discussing Violence against Women & Girls, which is often misunderstood and under reported, especially in the equestrian world. An important session for any coaches, centres staff and safeguarding officers.

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All About Fascia - September 2nd 2024

9:30pm - 4pm |  6 CPD points  | £120

Action Learning Group (Centre10 members only) 2 Sept

9am - 12:30pm |  3 CPD points  |

Free Of Charge for Centre10 Coaching Hub Members, £45 for Centre10 Advanced Coaches

Equestrian NLP workshop to resolve mindset issues - September 5th 2024

10am - 4pm |  6 CPD points  | £75. Early bird or APC coach £60.

How the unconscious mind works
and how this relates to riders 2. How perceptions and patterns arise – and how
to change ones that block riders’ success and enjoyment 3. How to help riders
get the best out of their minds using a variety of simple, fun techniques that
will be practised on the day 4. How to give the riders tips for in and out of
the saddle



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Foundations for Excellence in Equestrian Coaching - 7th-28th October 2024

4 Online Sessions | 7pm - 8:30pm | 5 CPD points (complete course)

This interactive online program will immerse you in The Happy Brain Accelerated Coaching approach where the results will speak for themselves as you experience the transformation of sticky and tricky lessons, into smooth super-coaching.

Not least, you’ll infuse your new lessons with enhanced:

Clarity: in organising learning content that will leave your riders excited for more. Including planning, delivery, and evaluation of your lessons.

Communication: through easy processes of accelerate learning AND progression using both conscious and un-conscious methods, adjusting your coaching practice to suit and encourageing lifelong learning for all.

Confidence: to better manage wayward emotions, both yours AND those of your riders by recognising the needs of your rider, their horse and yourself.

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The Emotional Labour of Equestrian Coaching 19 Sept

7pm - 8pm |  1 CPD points  | £12

Emotional labour is the 'work' we carry out when managing our emotions, be that under or overplaying, suppressing or changing an emotion to fit requirements of a work role.

As a coach being able to manage your emotions and those of your riders’, how effectively you do this will have an impact on the outcome of a training session; but what is the cost to you as a coach?

Join this webinar to find out more

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‘Caring’ in the coach-athlete relationship 10 Oct

7pm - 8pm |  1 CPD points  | £12

Following on from Mandy's webinar in March, 'developing long term coach-athlete relationships', this event will focus on caring and address the questions

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What makes an elite equestrian rider and applications to coaching? 19 Nov

7pm - 8pm |  1 CPD points  | £12