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Find everything you need to take part in Rideathon 2024 and help us to Keep Britain Riding.

  • Last reviewed: 8th July 2024
Rideathon Challenge2a Rideathon Challenge2a

Fundraising pack

Full of top tips for fundraising and how to prepare for this year's challenge, the Rideathon 2024 Fundraising Pack has everything you need.

Frequently asked questions

What is Rideathon?

Rideathon is the BHS’s yearly fundraising event that challenges horse-lovers to go the distance and raise while they ride. It is all about celebrating the joy, freedom and adventure of riding – and raising much needed funds to protect our off-road routes, as well as to Keep Britain Riding.

Running throughout the month of July, choose a distance of your choice - 25km, 50km, 75km, or 100km are the suggested distances to choose from* - choose a route and then ask your friends to sponsor you. All with a goal of fundraising for the BHS’s access work.

*Before embarking on the Rideathon challenge, carefully assess your horse’s current level of fitness. Overestimating your horse’s endurance can lead to overexertion, fatigue and potential injury.

Always prioritise your horse’s wellbeing by tailoring the distance to ride based on their fitness level.

How can I sign up to Rideathon?

Join up via our Rideathon portal. From there, you can follow some short simple steps to get started with your fundraising challenge, or to make a donation. Click on ‘join us’ along the top right of the site and you'll be directed through the process of setting up your JustGiving page, either as an individual or as a team.

For more information about how to set up a team, visit this useful JustGiving guide.

Who can sign up to Rideathon?

There are no limitations on who can sign up to Rideathon. Whether you ride or carriage drive, own a horse or ride at a riding school, we’re encouraging all equestrians to sign up and help us to protect, as well as restore, our riding routes for everyone to enjoy.

Is there a minimum distance that I need to cover?

You can choose a distance of 25km or more, and can do it with friends or go it alone. Whether it’s trotting across the meadow or the simple joy of a slow ride together – when you fundraise for Rideathon, you are able to choose the place and the pace you want to take.

Is there a minimum amount of fundraising that I need to achieve?

There is not a minimum amount of fundraising that we set for participants. All your support and donations are vital to the work of the BHS.

How can I track my distance?

We recommend using your favourite tracking app to track the distance you ride or carriage drive.

If you're interested in using the OS Maps app, we have a promotional offer available for fundraisers who sign up to Rideathon. Once you're signed up, you'll receive details of how to claim the offer via email.

Do I need to provide evidence that I have completed the challenge?

No, don’t worry, we trust you! You don’t need to provide evidence that you’ve completed the challenge to us. Updating your friends and family on your fundraising page is important! Make sure you keep them posted on your progress and share videos and photos throughout July – the more updates the better. Supporters who regularly post their progress raise on average 40% more.

You can track your progress using a tracking app, and it will keep a total of the KMs you’ve covered, so you can enjoy the ride! Screenshots of the distance you’ve covered are great to add to your fundraising page as well, to show your supporters how well you’re doing and how much hard work you’re putting in!

Are there any fundraising materials available?

We have plenty of fundraising tools, tips, and ideas to help you raise donations. You can download the fundraising pack at the top of this page.

How will the money raised help equestrians?

Every penny raised will support the BHS’s Keep Britain Riding campaign which aims to bring the equestrian community together to keep the joy of riding going. This includes protecting our off-road routes.

Currently, horse riders only have access to 22% of the off-road access network and carriage drivers only have access to 5%. Your money will help us to preserve, restore and reinstate routes across the UK, as well as defend endangered rights of way. With your support, we can:

  • Restore damaged route surfaces
  • Help to reopen blocked routes
  • Repair or replace gates and fencing

Together, we can ride for the right to enjoy our countryside.

Why do our off-road routes need protecting?

Many of our off-road riding routes aren’t officially recognised and maintained. Because of this, we face losing over 78,000km* of our off-road routes in seven years’ time.

This is due to a law introduced by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, which states that any route that isn’t formally recorded on the Definitive Map by 1 January 2031 will be lost forever.

In the face of such uncertainty, we are working hard to record these routes as this is the best way to protect them from obstruction, development, and neglect.

*The Ramblers Association 2023