Our BHS Accredited Professionals team are always happy to support you with your business, membership and insurance needs.
You can contact our team at HQ via email accreditedprofessionals@bhs.org.uk or by phone 02476 840565.
Training & development
We run a range of Continual Professional Development (CPD) training events to help you expand and fulfil your personal and professional potential.
To encourage coaches to keep up to date with the very best practice and develop their skills and knowledge, all Accredited Professional Coaches are required to complete a minimum of 6 CPD points each year (January to December).
We encourage an ethos of lifelong learning within the professional equestrian industry. With more courses being accredited by the BHS through Member Bodies, there will be many fantastic opportunities to update annually, ensuring all Accredited coaches continue to be the very best in the industry.
Join the Changing Lives through Horses programme
Changing Lives through Horses aims to improve the lives of young people who, for various reasons, may need additional support, are disengaged, or disadvantaged, or at risk of becoming excluded from education. Using horses as the inspiration for change, the programme provides an alternative and complementary learning environment to mainstream education. The skills developed through the programme meet the requirements of ongoing education and training, employers and participants.