Training vouchers
The Career Transition Fund has been created to support anyone who is training for their BHS qualifications to develop their career in the equestrian industry.
Following a review of the Career Transition Fund, from 1 March we will no longer be issuing individual training vouchers and will be focusing the funding on providing subsidised training courses and days.
You can still apply for a training voucher until the 1 March towards Stage 2 and 3 level assessments. To be eligible for a voucher you will need to have an assessment booking in place.
You can view assessment dates here.
Once you have your booking in place you can apply for a training voucher using our online form.
Training vouchers are available to anyone who has booked onto a Stage 2 or Stage 3 assessment. There is up to £500 contribution available towards Stage 2 training and £650 towards Stage 3. The vouchers can be used with any BHS Approved Centre or BHS Accredited Professional Coach.
Please check availability of training before applying for a voucher.
Only the candidate, or a parent/guardian of the candidate should complete the application form.
If you have any questions please contact the Education team on
Only one type of funding can be applied for per level of assessment.
Training voucher values
Two vouchers can be claimed per level
Working towards Stage 2 Care/Lunge/Ride
Working towards Stage 2 Coach
Working towards Stage 3 Care/Lunge/Ride
Working towards Stage 3 Coach
Training vouchers - Term and Conditions
1. Eligibility
Available to candidates with a confirmed booking on a BHS Stage 2 or Stage 3 assessment only.
The training must take place in the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland.
2. Transferring
The voucher cannot be transferred to another person. The unique number is associated to the name that applied for the voucher.
The voucher cannot be transferred between BHS Approved Centres or BHS Accredited Professional Coaches and must be used in full with the Centre or Coach that was declared on the application form.
The voucher cannot be transferred between level (for example apply for Stage 2 and used for Stage 3 training) or within the levels (Care/Lunge/Ride cannot be used for Coach funding).
For recording and monitoring purposes the funding awarded has been allocated on the basis of the original application.
3. Multiple requests
Once you have used your first voucher for a level you are able to apply for a second voucher for that level. You can only apply for one voucher at a time, once the first voucher has been claimed you will be able to apply for the second.
A candidate can only receive CTF vouchers for either training or assessment fees. A candidate will not be able to apply for both. For example, if the candidate is within a college or BHS Approved Centre environment they will not be eligible to claim for training vouchers and assessment fee vouchers.
4. Claiming the funding: Candidate
You must provide the unique voucher code to the BHS Approved Centre or BHS Accredited Professional Coach at the time of booking the training to be eligible for the discounted training. The Centre/Coach will be reimbursed for your discount, upon completion of the training and submission of the claim form.
4. Claiming the funding: Centre and Coach
The BHS Approved Centre or BHS Accredited Professional Coach can only claim the voucher when the total value of the voucher has been used. We will ask for evidence of the training given.
The Centre/Coach must claim for the funding directly from the BHS by completing the claim form. Please contact the Education Team if you are having difficulty using the online form.
All claims for funding must be submitted via the form and include the voucher code number and details of the training provided. We aim to pay claims within one month of receipt providing the details are correct.
The claim will only be processed after the last training session has been delivered to the candidate. The Centre/Coach does not have to submit an invoice. Claims for the funding must be submitted via the claims form. All claims for funding must be made within one month of completion of the training.
Changes to the Career Transition Fund: Questions and answers
Q. I already have a voucher, am I still able to use and redeem it?
A. Yes, any voucher already approved is still viable and may be used until the expiry date stated on the email.
Q: When is the cut-off date to apply for vouchers?
A: You can still apply for a voucher until 1 March, after this date we won’t be issuing vouchers. You will still be able to book onto a subsidised training course, you can find these listed on our Find Training page.
Q: I don’t understand why you have stopped the vouchers, which candidates have found helpful?
A: After evaluating the scheme, we have found that running subsidised training sessions has been well received, and easier for candidates to organise, online or in a location that suits them. We have provided vouchers since we launched the scheme three years ago and want to continue to review it to ensure that the funding is being used to best effect.
Q: I’m a centre that regularly receive the income from these vouchers, how can I still be part of the scheme to support my candidates?
A: We will continue to provide candidates with subsidised training courses organised through us, and these will be at Approved Centres across the country. We are always looking for centres to be able to provide these, so that candidates have several options available to them. If you are interested in holding a group training session, please contact You are also still able to apply for assessment vouchers for Stages 2 and 3 for your staff, apply here.
Q: I’m a coach, what does this mean for me now?
A: If you have students who have already received training voucher/s they will still be able to use these with you and you have until the expiry date in the email to redeem it.
We appreciate your support in training students for our assessments, and for their future career within the industry. If you have an idea of training courses or sessions that you could run and would like to apply for subsidy through the Career Transition Fund, please email your proposal to
Subsidised training
Following a review of the Career Transition Fund we have decided to focus on running subsidised training courses and sessions to make training easier to access.
These courses and sessions are a mixture of both online and in person training you can find details of this training on our Find Training page. They are also advertised on our Facebook group the BHS Training Hub. Please note, Facebook requires users to be a minimum of 13 years old.
BHS Approved Centre staff assessment vouchers
Staff working within our BHS Approved Centres are eligible to apply for a voucher towards their assessment fees. These are available for Stage 2 and 3 level assessments. We do require evidence of their employment from the manager or proprietor of the centre. You can find the application form here. For more information on this scheme, please contact your Business Support Manager.
College students
If you are a student at an equine college you can apply for a voucher towards your assessment fee. These are available for Stage 2 and Stage 3 level assessments. Please speak to your tutor for more information.
Privacy notice
The information you provide will be used to manage the process for assigning funding for your training and following up with the relevant BHS Approved Centre or BHS Accredited Professional Coach to make sure you have received everything you need.
We will not share your information with anyone that is not involved in your training or assessment unless we are under legal obligation to do so, or it is in your vital interests. You can see more about how we collect and use your personal data by reading our Privacy Notice.