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Changing Lives through Horses

An alternative education programme where children and young people can learn in a safe and nurturing environment, guided by highly trained coaches at over 130 BHS Approved Riding Centres.

  • Last reviewed: 26th September 2024
Bhs Parbold Equestrian Centre 250 Bordered Bhs Parbold Equestrian Centre 250 Bordered

Discover how our Changing Lives through Horses (CLtH) programme can benefit your students and support your school in delivering inclusive and effective education.

CLtH allows children and young people to learn in a safe, nurturing setting with highly trained coaches at BHS Approved Riding Centres. Our programme supports those who may not be thriving in traditional settings. Through equine-facilitated learning, we provide unique opportunities for personal growth, helping young people re-engage with their education and build a brighter future.

We have successfully seen horses and equine-facilitated learning significantly change a young person’s life for the better, with 78% of participants leaving the programme with a planned onward pathway in education, training or employment (Spring 2024).

Who is the programme for?

The programme welcomes children and young people aged 5-25 years who have additional needs in the widest sense who would benefit from access to equine-facilitated learning.

Participants may include those with special educational needs, including social and emotional mental health needs, those who may be disengaged or excluded from education, those who are without a school place or are electively home educated and those who may have experienced trauma or adverse childhood experiences.

What does the programme involve?

The programme aims to develop and support six key life skills:

  • Communication
  • Confidence
  • Teamwork
  • Building relationships
  • Perseverance
  • Responsibility

88% of students make progress in at least one key skill area (2023).

It is structured around two frameworks for younger and older participants, offering horse care and ridden modules (some centres only offer horse care) with awards and certificates to recognise achievement.

Each award’s activities help participants develop these life skills, which are transferable to school, further education or social settings. Participants also practice learning skills linked to their school curriculum and build a portfolio of equine knowledge that could lead to further industry qualifications.

Some centres offer an Ofqual-accredited Personal Development Qualification at Entry Level 3, Level 1 and Level 2.

To find out more about the awards CLtH students will complete please download the information here

When was the programme developed?

We developed and piloted the programme in 2016 with excellent feedback from the twelve centres involved. Since then, the programme has grown, with over 130 trained centres nationwide and with over 3,270 young people accessing the programme to date. Our coaches receive support to run the programme and regular training from our dedicated Changing Lives through Horses team.

How is the programme delivered?

Our approved CLtH centres offer the programme in various formats, from full school days for small groups to 1:1 sessions tailored to individual needs and the referring schools’ requirements.

We have a robust referral process where our centres and coaches collaborate with you to make sure the programme suits your pupil(s), considering safeguarding, risk assessments, and expected outcomes. The programme can be offered over a set period, as part of a broader support package, or as an open-ended referral reviewed regularly by the school and the centre.

What can you expect from a CLtH session?

Our highly trained coaches use carefully developed medium-term plans to deliver engaging and educational sessions. These plans ensure that life skills and curriculum-linked learning are seamlessly integrated into each session.

Medium-Term Plans: These plans are different from regular session plans. While our coaches are experts in teaching equine skills, these plans help them incorporate life skills and curriculum-linked learning into the sessions. All these plans are provided to centres in our handbooks, organised by topic.

Example Plan: Let’s take a look at an example of a medium-term plan focused on grooming, taken from our England handbook. Each plan is divided into three sections and designed by activity type.

  1. Topic and Life Skills: At the top, the topic is listed along with the life skills that can be developed through the activities. For instance, grooming can help develop communication skills.
  2. Awards and Skill Levels: The first section lists all the awards related to the topic. It provides a breakdown of the activities, and the level of skill required for participants to complete the section.
  3. Life Skills and Curriculum Links: The second section links the activities to life skills and curriculum points. For example, during a grooming lesson, participants might be asked questions about the type of brush, its colour and the pony they are working with. This turns grooming into a communication exercise. If participants are answering, being polite and engaged (or working towards that), the activity is a success!
  4. School Curriculum Points: The third section lists the school curriculum points that can be covered within the topic, broken down by level and subject. For example, discussing the brushes and their textures can support English language skills by using adjectives and descriptive words.

How is the programme funded?

The BHS fundraises to provide all learning materials and training needed for the programme. Occasionally, bursaries are available for individual sessions, but usually the costs are covered by the school or referral agency. Session costs vary by centre based on location, staffing, and horses. Contact your nearest BHS Changing Lives through Horses centre for options.

Funding options include:

  1. Schools and local authorities may fund alternative provision for special educational needs or if a child is out of school for any reason. The SEN Code of Practice requires schools to make reasonable adjustments, which may include this programme.
  2. If your student has an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) access to CLtH may support plan outcomes and meet the needs that have been identified in the plan, with some local authorities and schools receiving additional funding for children with EHCPs.
  3. Bursaries: Available occasionally through BHS, depending on charitable donations, to assist those without other funding options. Please discuss with the centre directly as they will be able to apply for you. 
  4. Private Funding: Parents and carers may choose to pay for sessions if they are able to do so.
  5. Other local charities may support access to the programme.

Next steps after the programme?

The programme will look to support your students with their next steps, whether they hope to continue into further education programmes with school or college, training opportunities including apprenticeships or are looking to work towards a career pathway and gain successful employment.

There are many possible progression opportunities from the programme that will allow students to continue to develop and be in an environment that supports the changes they’ve made.

Some of the possible next steps:


  • Riding for the Disabled Association Volunteer Scheme
  • BHS Recreational Awards
  • College courses – the programme can support students to explore what courses are available that may be of interest to them and explain the application process
  • Local apprenticeship opportunities – the programme can support students to look into apprenticeships and explain the application process


  • Apprenticeship scheme with the British Horseracing Authority
  • BHS Professional Qualifications
  • Local opportunities with BHS centres
  • Local opportunities with businesses and charities

School Success

Brookfield Community School

We visit Pinkmead Farm with a small group of 11–16 year old students. All of the Pinkmead staff have made our students very welcome. They are kind and caring, showing the girls how animals should be loved and respected.

You can never underestimate how powerful the interaction with animals can be. The students have all fallen in love with Pinkmead farm and all of their animals that we have had the privilege of being able to work with. I cannot praise Pinkmead enough. This partnership will continue in the next school year, and I can’t wait to return – thank you ‘Team Pinkmead’.

Ilkley Grammar School

Jamie has been attending Changing Lives through Horses on a weekly basis over the last couple of years as an alternative provision to support him with his engagement and regulation in school.

The provision provided by CLtH is invaluable in allowing Jamie to be successful in school as it gives him the opportunity to engage in activity deeply rooted in Jamie’s interests. Jamie is more able to attend and engage in his school curriculum through attending the stables each week.

Through CLtH, Jamie has developed his confidence, self-esteem and his ability to communicate with others. The stable environment gives Jamie a sense of purpose and enables him to take on responsibilities to develop his personal skills. Jamie speaks highly of his time at Acrecliffe Equestrian Centre and always looks forward to sharing his experiences with staff at school.

Wey Valley Academy
  • Changing Lives has been transformational for our students who have shown an increase in attendance and self esteem. Students have been engaged and have found a new love for learning through working with horses and by the care and support given by the staff.
  • They have had opportunities to be successful and feel highly valued. For some it has triggered a desire to study towards working with animals or equine studies and has given the students a positive goal for Post 16 education.
  • It is literally changing the lives of the students and we are so lucky to have this support near by.

Want to Learn More About Changing Lives through Horses?

We’d love to hear from you! If you need more information or would like a member of our team to get in touch, please fill out this form.

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Changing Lives Through Horses

Find a Changing Lives through Horses Centre

Changing Lives through Horses is delivered on a national scale through selected BHS Approved Centres. Each centre is committed to helping and supporting young people to develop life skills and engage with society positively. 

Find a Changing Lives approved provider
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